Friday, October 31, 2014

infitheism NewLetter # 5

Greetings from infinitheism.

Time and distance does not shadow the spirit of infinitheism to make a difference in the lives of people. Week before last we experienced the live webcast of the historic infinipath from Singapore since Mahatria was travelling to South East Asian countries and Africa.

The garden city of Bangalore will be receiving Mahatria for his next public discourse on 'Human Engineering' this weekend.

We have also announced 3 batches of our life transforming holistic development programs in Chennai & Bengaluru.

For more details read on.

Wishing you Most and more…
Team infinitheism

We are married for 5 years. Of late our relationship has become dry. Is it really possible to love my wife the way I loved her on the first day till the last day of her or my life?
For the immature, prolonged usage of anything creates diminishing value. For the evolved, prolonged usage and practice of anything is the only way to make it Higher, Deeper, Beyond. So, if you are the evolved, the more and more you relate to a person, you will only find more and more reasons to love them. Thus, you grow in love. For the immature, familiarity breeds contempt. Hence, they fall in love.

To sustain the depth of a relationship, especially marriage, from the very beginning, relate to the person and not just the body. Observe each other's thinking, discuss personal values, standpoints and convictions; get sensitised to each other's feelings, develop emotional compatibility and take time to sit together in quietude to develop a spiritual connectivity. Respect the entirety of the person and relate to the whole person, not just the peripheral aspect of each other - the body. This will bring a lot of dignity to the relationship.

We live in the information age. So, the contemporary human consciousness in its very nature is intellectually curious. Without the husband and wife enjoying each other's intellectual company there will be no energy in the relationship. Talk about your agreements. Debate the disagreements. The only way to be interesting in a relationship is by discussing what the other person is interested in. Share your doubts. Share your observations. Ask for the other's point of view. Keep your face-to-face discussions as dynamic as you keep updating your Facebook pages. You should look forward to each other's company, and intellectual companionship is one of the prime ways.

The past is irrelevant. The present forms the building blocks. The future is very significant, for that is where the two of you will travel together. Discuss the future and grow in love. Just discussing day-to-day trifles will only make you fall in love. Talk future, talk dreams, talk ambitions, and resolve to play a part in each other's growth in a very objective and non-intrusive manner.

And most importantly, to keep the relationship romantic, rely on your intuitive ways of expressing love. Don't borrow ideas from movies. That's why it is dry. Trust your instincts. Fill your days with non-sexual touch. Romance is all about freshness. From looks to garments to environment to expressions to fragrance to tone of voice to gestures – there must be freshness. An element of surprise is the undercurrent of romance. Keep surprising yourself. Keep surprising your spouse. And, you will be surprised with what turns around. Bring life into your expressions and thus you will bring back life into your marriage.

Marriage: One relationship that's always under construction. So, keep it going…  

infinitheism newsletter #6

Greetings from infinitheism.
This is spring time. This is celebration time. The much awaited announcement of the spiritual retreat ‘Higher, Deeper and Beyond’ was made by Mahatria in the last infinipath. Many believe that this rings in miraculous times.

Six batches of holistic developmental course – ‘infinialpha’ is transforming lives in Chennai and Bengaluru.

Kuala Lampur will be experiencing Mahatria this month end; New York and New Jersey early next month.

For details read on...

Wishing you Most and more…
Team infinitheism


Q How does it feel to be deeply connected to God? What happens to our life? What happens to us?

A A group of politicians and their followers had barged into my office one day. They wanted funds for elections. I politely explained to them that we do a lot of good to the world directly, and we wish to use our funds for such purposes and not for any political reasons. Some of the followers reacted in extremely disrespectful tones. I looked straight in the eye of the political leader, who had led the crowd into my office, and asked him, “If I tell you, I personally know the Chief Minister of the state, will you still behave the same way?” A little startled and with a quiver in the voice, he asked in return, “Do you know the Chief Minister?” I replied, “If knowing the Chief Minister of the state makes one so powerful, how powerful must I feel, for I know God personally?” You cannot control a man who knows no fear. They saw fearlessness in my eyes and quietly left. That’s how you feel when you are deeply connected to God. You feel when God can be with us, who can be against us. You feel God is your shield.

My mother had suffered cerebral haemorrhage, which triggered a heart attack. At the age of 69, after undergoing a massive surgery and then three weeks in CCU and ICU, she was critical. Around the same time, I had my spiritual retreats of infinitheism and over a hundred people had converged from all over the world for the retreat. During the retreat, everyone is cut off from the world outside, and no form of communication is allowed with the world or from the world under any circumstances. Krishna tells Arjuna, “Do not bring in your personal emotions on the way of executing your duties and responsibilities.” My predicament was the same. Either stay back as the son of my mother or go to the retreat as the teacher of hundred. For me, both were my personal emotions and both were my duties. If out there I take people closer to God through various spiritual practices, I had this unquestioned faith in the heart of my hearts, that God will represent me out here and take care of my mother. I went ahead with the retreat. Faith always unfolds miracles. On the same day I returned from the retreat, my mother got discharged and she returned home. The more and more I do God’s work, I have personally seen, the more and more God does my work. That’s how you feel when you are deeply connected to God. You feel God is in your team.

Staying close to fire keeps you warm. Walking through fresh breeze, you feel refreshed. Being in running water you feel clean. Stay long enough in a rose garden and you start smelling like a rose. You inherit the traits of what you are connected to. Similarly, when you are deeply connected to God, you feel purified. In your thoughts, in your feelings and in your consciousness, you feel so pure. The drop of water falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. You dissolve and you evolve. You disappear and God appears.

In all, by being deeply connected to God, experience after experience, you experience the higher, deeper and the beyond dimensions of life.

Weekly growth sessions with Mahatria discussing life, webcast live every Sunday between 6:45am to 9:15am IST @
Recorded version also available for a duration of one week.

A few scoops from last infinipath: 15th Sept 2013
Pay attention to the thought that is lingering in you repeatedly; the one that repeatedly visits you is not a passing thought, it is an idea. You are never given an idea without the power to achieve it. Nothing is more powerful than the idea whose time has come. Give life to the idea by executing it.

Those who have received abundantly in their life focus on the little they have not got; those who have got nothing in their life, celebrate the little they have received with so much of gratitude.

Differentiate yourself from the competition by creating an organizational culture. Business is all about the ‘Share of the wallet’. The corrections needed to get the business right are outside the business, rarely inside.

Man calls it life; God calls it Leela (Game). As long as we see it as life, it will be a series of burdens and responsibilities. See this as a Leela and there will be series of celebrations.

Higher in maturity, Deeper in spirituality, Beyond in materialistic realm - HDB

infithiems Newsletter # 7

Greetings from infinitheism:
The Flow and Force of 11-11 is without a parallel,
A fortunate few will experience it again this year.
Some will be lucky to collect corals and pearls, 
Some will enjoy dancing with the dolphins,
Some will get lost into the blue divine vastness, 
Some will feel they are the link between the sea and the sky.
Announcing infiniwaves - the second anniversary celebrations of the birth of infinitheism.
Read on for more details about infiniwaves.
Wishing you Most and more...
Team infinitheism

A few scoops from last infinipath: 06th October 2013

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.  It is important that the mental restlessness should be patiently executed in the physical domain, for an idea to culminate into reality. 

In the time that you are not investing in satiating the emotional needs of your valued customers, your competitor is doing that.  It is all about mind share in the market. 

Investment of quality time with your children is the greatest investment you can make in the becoming of your children.  Unless you listen to them enough, they will not listen to you. 

There are times in life where consequences are purely random and cosmic and sometimes those are the most beautiful periods of life; your life goes through a quantum leap.  Consider yourself blessed and be grateful.

When you are not able to control the consequences of your life, you consider them as tough times.  Use your contemplative intelligence and choose one of the three (CAR) to preserve your peace.
1. Change the changeable. 
2. Accept the unchangeable. 
3. Remove yourself from the unacceptable. 

Growth is when your life moves from maximum effort giving you minimum results to minimum effort giving you maximum results.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A teacher affects eternity - Chitra Prasad

A teacher affects eternity 
- Chitra Prasad 

The greatest joy one can derive is from turning lives around. Nothing is as exciting and rewarding as being the cause of somebody's success. Only a teacher is bestowed with this unique gift. 

One correction, one advice, one kind word, one warning, a helping hand, one reassurance, one suggestion, one opportunity, one pat, one appreciation, one smile, one hug... 

That is all it takes to turn a child's life around. 

To me, teaching is not a profession, but a calling. I say this because I resisted this profession so much, and yet I found myself doing exactly that. Even before I could realise it, I started enjoying myself thoroughly al a teacher. Now how do I explain this? I was literally eating, breathing and living school 

A teacher not only teaches a subject, but also teaches the students how to live life. She h& the rare privilege of touching lives and rnakinc a difference. 

I experienced unconditional love for the first time. Being with children day in and day out was an exhilarating experience It created a reservoir of energy in me and I stopped aging! Every morning when I enter school I could feel the rush of adrenalin. There was a new found excitement in life. I keep asking myself - 'What next, what more and what else'. I wondered why / had evaded this profession for so many years. Now that I was into it, I decided to give it my best. So I focused on taking education beyond academics. 

I truly believed that a school is not only a 'Temple of learning', but most importantly a 'Temple of Transformation'. So no opportunity was missed to provide my children holistic growth. I felt that a_ feeling of love and gratitude should also be inculcated in the younger generation, who are being pampered with an overdose of material comforts as a compensation for time. 

They seemed to understand love only in terms of material things like PlayStations, XBoxs, iPods, iPhones, mobiles, computers etc. Many of them hardly had any communication with their parents as they were either lost in the company of their friends or immersed in technology. So I decided to create an occasion for the students to express their love and gratitude to their parents. 

Love that is born out of the womb of gratitude is irreversible. We decided to celebrate Children's Day as 'Thanksgiving Day'. The significance of it was explained to the entire school, but a few adolescents were ego involved with their parents. So it was necessary to make them realise their parents' worth, their unconditional love, dreams for their children, the selfless struggle they undergo to give their children good education and comfort, etc. 

As I finished my talk. I saw their eyes well up and knew they were ready to make amends. The next one hour the whole school was busy making the best 'Thank You' card for their parents. Feelings of love and gratitude unfolded through poems and paintings. On November 14th, the parents were least prepared for what was to come. 

When the children gave cards to their parents, they were taken by surprise. There was a range of emotions. Parents could not contain their joy on reading their children's feelings for them, and they hugged them and wept with joy. Parents and children realised that it was no more difficult to say 'Thank you' or 'Love you so much'. There was more openness in their relationship and most importantly, they were able to connect better with each other. 

As a teacher I found a new meaning to the purpose of my life when my students came back to school and narrated their experience in overcoming the mental barrier that they had in demonstrating their love to their parents. There was a deep sense of satisfaction that / could be a catalyst in their life. Indeed teachers are God's chosen ones. God creates and a teacher recreates My experience validated the saying, "A teacher affects eternity. She never knows where her influence stops." 

Teachers are GOD chosen One's.
GOD creates and a Teacher Recreates

SPIRITUALITY IS A CHOICE - Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012


The happiest men and women are those who fuse, integrate spirituality into their daily life. - 
Dada _I P Vaswani

People are awed by the miracles of science as much as they are fascinated by the powers of spirituality. Science is the discovery of nature's laws: while spirituality is the discovery of the Self.
In the final analysis, both are discoveries; both are an experience of 'awareness'. Our rishis had this 'awareness'; they gained spiritual knowledge through intuition. Spirituality makes us raise the fundamental question: "What is man?" Or, to put it more personally, "What am I?" It is precisely this self-knowledge that our youth must seek, in order to find true fulfilment.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you," said Jesus Christ.
Spirituality does not mean turning your back on life; it is not renunciation or asceticism; it is not running away from the problems of life. It is the source of courage and inner strength that will enable you to take on life's challenges in the awareness that you are a spark of divinity; that within you is a shakti that is of the Infinite! Gurudev Sadhu Vaswani told us: "The noblest work is to cultivate the soul."
The Gita too tells us that man is not the body he wears, but essentially the Spirit, the atman within. How can we connect with the soul? How can we promote our spiritual well-being?
Make God a reality in your life. Make Him a friend a partner, a guide, a guardian, a parent, and invite him to watch over all that you do.
Spend a little time in prayer, in introspection and in silent communion with God. Realise the value of the present moment - the here and the now. Realise that this moment is God's greatest gift to you.
Do not live for yourself alone; for, that will make life small and selfish. Learn to live for others and you will find that life blooms like a beautifil flower! Do not wait for old age to begin to practice your spirituality! The happiest men and womed are those who fuse, integrate spirituality into their daily life.
True spirituality is not a matter of indoctrination. It cannot be inspired by compulsion. You are free to enquire into its principles. You must be convinced of their truth, before you accept them. The laws of life are inviolable. They need no defenders, no patrons, and no protectors. Each one of us must reach the Highest by our own free choice. This is the great truth taught to us in the ancient scriptures of India.
In the Gita, after Lord Krishna has passed on many truths concerning life to His dear devoted disciple Arjuna, He finally tells him:
"I have declared the truths to you; you must go and reflect upon these teachings and do as you choose." 

September 2011 - Frozen Thoughts - My accomplishment - What is not possible for love? - by Hema (11-year old)

September 2011 - Frozen Thoughts - My accomplishment  - 
What is not possible for love? 
- Hema (11-year old)

Inline image 1

Let me tell you about my classmate Ryan who has Aspergers syndrome. I met him in Primary-4 in the gifted stream. As fate would have it, I sat beside him for the first term. He was very irritable. Ryan had a perpetually runny nose and used tissues to blow his nose. However, the disgusting part was that he did not bother to throw away the dirty tissues and when anything was pointed out to him, he would throw a tantrum and become dangerous, trying to hit anyone in sight. I disliked Ryan. When he talked, saliva sprayed out. I always had to lend an ear to him not to make him angry. I used to complain to my parents everyday I was unable to listen to the lessons and I did badly in the first exams. There were a lot of complaints from the parents and after that in every exam. Ryan was made to sit in the school library to take his exams. 

Soon many parents started a petition to get Ryan out of the class. My parents refused to sign the petition because my cousin has a similar disorder and wethought about how sad it would be for my aunt, if my cousin were forced to quit school. Once Ryan kicked a teacher during a meltdown and his mother had to sit in the class to keep an eye on him. During that time he kept very quiet and I got even angrier when I realised that he was scared of his mother and not the teacher. Since nobody wanted to sit beside him, the teacher made him sit separately and he had to find fault with that too. 
Sometime in the middle of Primary-5 the change happened. I had a glance into Ryan's pencil case and bag. In every place, his mother had written, "You can do it Ryan. You are a nice boy. Keep quiet. Stay in your seat," and so on. It made me feel very guilty that I have been so heartless. I felt bad for his mother. From then on, I tried to really listen to him and realise that he is actually a normal boy inside. I also saw that some of the boys in my class were trying to provoke Ryan on purpose. I tried to tell them not to provoke him. Ryan is not the most polite person, but he seems to mean well. Once he saw that I was taking a long time to dig out my mathematics worksheet and he rudely said that my homework file was very messy. Though I felt very insulted, I changed my file to one with dividers and it has been very useful. 

This year I have seen his drawing" of buses and found them very detailed.' ,Also he took my suggestions well and his anger management is very good. I told him once that his buses were very empty and that he should draw the driver and passengers. In a drawing that he was going to submit to the library, he drew the people as silhouette shapes. I thought it really looked professional and asked him to sign it. Taking the suggestion he did so and smiled. He was positively glowing with happiness. 

I watched a video about Asperger's syndrome for a thinkquest project and I realised that Ryan's meltdowns were actually a defensive action. The class played a game called 'Angel and mortal' in which each of us has to pick a classmate's name at random from an envelope. That person will be the mortal. Unknown to the mortal the person who drew the name, that is, the Angel would have to send notes and little gifts to the mortal. Ryan was rather disappointed that his angel had given him nothing. Even though I was not his angel, I made a puzzle and put it in the mailbox to cheer him up. One day he told me that I was his best friend and I felt like I had won an award! As he had opened up to me, soon he opened up to the rest of the class. My achievement of these three years is that the person I had disliked had become the friend of the whole class. 

Frozen Thoughts - GRATITUDE - Sanna Gosavi

Jan 2011 - Frozen Thoughts - You are here for a reason

You are here for a reason 

There is no competition that we have with the outside world.

We have to compete only with our inner weaknesses that stop us from realizing our actual self. Time is life and wasting time is wasting one's life.

Today is the best time to realize your true self and work with full courage, expressing your potential to achieve your life's objective. Be very clear about what to do and devote your complete focus on achieving it.

Perform all your duties with dignity and leave the result to Him. Your specialty influences others, so use it to perfection.

Give your life a true meaning by making it useful to God and to others. Otherwise, for what reason are we living our life?

- Jan 2011 - Frozen Thoughts

Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2011 - Pearls of Wisdom - Free from Tension

Free from Tension
People complain how life, and especially god, was not fair to them. Problems are like the water in the ocean, which cannot sink a ship unless it gets inside the ship. Similarly, whatever be the issue, it can't pull one down unless he lets it get on his nerves.
The so called troubles are like a washing machine. They twist, turn, and even knock us around. But in the end we come out brighter and better. Life is all about creating oneself. And any creation first starts with an intention.
It is our intentions that set the direction in our life. Our intentions are like the rudder of a ship, which helps to change the direction in which our ship is moving.
So, in order to give direction to our life, we need to have good and positive intentions.

How much ever good one's intentions may be, one need to invest time on them. Intentions have to be backed by continuous attention and 100% action. If the intentions are not backed by action, they would be mere wishful thinking and nothing about life would change. The equation for tension-free life is pretty simple.
Intention + Action No tension.
This formula works. It's guaranteed. 

Till you become happy…

” ………Many of our loved ones aren’t happy people yet.  How to feel on ‘Top of the World’ when you are surrounded by people who are in an emotional abyss?  We wish for a happy world, but our collective emotional maturity is far from it.
We may not succeed in creating a life of ‘Eternal Bliss’ for our loved ones, but we can always create endless happy moments for them.  Well, what to do then?
Resolve to create at least one happy moment for at least one person, every day of your life.  Wake up with a sense of purpose to create a happy moment for someone today and every day.  I know it is difficult to keep people happy, but it’s very easy to make people happy.  Momentary happiness and moments of happiness are the easiest gifts we can give to our loved ones.  So, let’s make a lifetime commitment to endeavour to create happy moments for people.
‘I will get everything I want from life when I help enough other people get what they want from life’ being one of the laws of life… by creating happy moments for others, your happiness becomes a natural by-product.
Till you become happy, I will create enough happy moments for you.
….. ”
: Excerpts from “Awakening” by Mahatria, Voice of Ra... ALMA MATER, FROZEN THOUGHTS

Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012 - Learn to let go. Let go gracefully - Sujatha V

"Courage is the power to let 
go of the familiar" - Raymond Lindquist

Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012

Learn to let go. Let go gracefully
Oh, what fun it is to furnish your house! It starts from the functionality of the house - I'll get up here, move around like this; I'll need this here, etc. etc. Once the functionality is in place, I want the ambiance of the house to be unique. This curtain, that sofa and those cushions will look nice. Oh, that painting in the middle should have this theme, and the list is endless. r sweat for months together to make the house I saw in my mind. After so much hard work, the house finally becomes a home exactly as I had visualised it or even better, and the date for grahapravesh (housewarming) is fixed.
On the day of the grahapravesh, I don't even have the time to eat as there are a lot of last minute things to attend to before the guests arrive. When the function starts, I step out to buy a bouquet. I go back, hand over the bouquet to the owner of the house, wish him luck and walk out gracefully, for I know it's no longer mine. The next day I feel as though a part of me is missing.
But life moves on, and along comes the next project - I'll get up here, move around like this; I'll need this here, etc. etc. In life, anything that begins will end one day. We have got this etched into our system when it comes to our career. We can't keep sitting in the 1st standard because we like it. 1st standard will begin and it'll end one day. We know very well that it'll end soon, So it doesn't pain much. We have prepared our mind to let go of 1st standard when we go to the next standard, to let go of that class teacher when we meet the next class teacher,
to let go of that position in office when we take higher roles, let go of that employee when decides to leave...

The big question is - do we extend this to aspects of life? Yes, you love dancing. Your heart dances when you dance. But, are you prepared to let go dance when it's time to leave? Perhaps because some physical illness or some situation or your age, you can't continue to dance. Do you have the maturity to let go gracefully?
Yes, you brought up your son. You shaped every inch of him. It's 25 years of your sweat, and standing before you is a handsome you' man. Now he has a mind of his own. He has made plans for his future, "If you still hold on your perception that he is mine, he'll do what I want him to do", then you'll feel the pain.
Are we prepared to let go gracefully? Its definitely not an easy thing to do.
Sometimes it's a relationship,
Sometimes it's a skill,
Sometimes it's your beliefs,
Sometimes it's your own small world...
It definitely pains.
We are very clear when it comes to our career. If we can only extend this understanding to every aspect of life, our life will be a lot more peaceful. There is nothing that is permanently yours. Anything that begins will end one day. The only thing we can do is to live every minute enjoying every bit of what we have so that it doesn't hurt much when we have to let it go.
Learn to let go. Let go gracefully.
Frozen Thoughts - Jan -2012.

Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2011 - Pearls of Wisdom - Priority or Option

Priority or Option
We invite people for some celebration. But more than attending to those who've come, you think and speak of those who haven't turned u "Why give importance to people in your life, whom you are only an option, and not a priority in their life?" Obviously, those for whom something else was a priority don't turn up.
Let's always process such interesting thoughts which leaves us peaceful than disturbed. If y are only an option and not a priority someone's life, do not make them a priority your life, Of course, when they come you certainly welcome them as your priority. But when they aren't around, don't think about them, for it would amount to giving them unwanted priority, resulting in you going through unwanted disturbance.
Life is a series of experiences. And, life can be simple when one has clarity on what and who must be a priority, and what and who should kept as an option. 

The unpredictability of life - Article by Charuta K - Frozen Thoughts November 2011

Opening the backdoor of my beautiful beach house, the ocean kept calling. Making a way through the trees, the naked feet stamping the moist mud, I hurried to answer the call. 

The swaying trees and the fragrant breeze pleaded me to stay; but, the ocean pulled... as I walked and walked, gently pushing the branches off my way, the squirrels hopping on the way, suddenly a next step of this casual path, the hands stretched and pushed away one of the branches and there in front I saw the gigantic ocean, roaring with zeal, bursting with energy. 

It was just a matter of few seconds and everything looked changed. 

How true it is, the seed waits endlessly in the Earth's womb, waiting for that one moment when it can sprout and see the skies. 

It never knows when, the wait looks eternal, yet one of those routine days, while the thrust of the Earth is still painful, a moment comes when the eye of the seed opens and a tiny shoot feels its first freedom, the winds.

The little bud goes on swaying and dissolving into the breeze, 
little does it know the next instant it will become a flower 
and can emit fragrance. 

 - The caterpillar in the cocoon feels its life is a series of struggle, 
yet in one of those hard pushes the cocoon breaks open and 
it becomes something it could never even dream of. 

We never know what surprise the next moment holds, 
what relation the next smile can build. 
What opportunities the next 'hi' can bring. 
The solution one idea can get. 
The next SMS can change something. 
One sight as you walk down the roads and 
the tangled life gets a brand new angel. 

Few of the most priced relations happen the most unexpected ways. Joining few moments to create a life, to look back at life and then figure why things actually happened and how things actually happened. We are just probably a moment away from a miraculously new beginning. A moment away when the thrust of life has pushed us beyond troubles. If nothing has happened till now, something can happen in the very next moment of life. At times sweet, at times bitter, but it has potential to beautifully lift the very purpose of LIFE. 

The curtains will be drawn apart and a moment on unfolds that's worth having lived till now, feels like now you can breathe in water too. 

It's enough to know, we are just 
One moment away from connecting to our source, 
One moment  from experiencing eternal bliss. 
One moment away from a revolutionary start. 

A new begining a brand new end or just a mere dent. A moment fabricated for some purpose in your life. 

The unpredictability of life no more looks unwanted when I know I am probably one moment away from THE MOMENT of my life. 

Let's be in Faith a moment somewhere is waiting for you and for me,  which has the strength to change everything of you and everything of me. 

--  Frozen Thoughts November 2011  - Article by  Charuta K



- Mahatria, Voice of Ra

Happiness Is The Way! -

Posted: 10 Jul 2013 09:41 PM PDT
When any work is done as a choice, you tend to enjoy what you do, and when it is finally completed, you experience a sense of fulfilment.  That which gives you fulfilment you look forward to doing it again and again and again…
On the contrary, when any work is undertaken as a compulsion, you tend to struggle doing what you do, and when it is finally completed, you experience only a sense of relief.  That which gives you relief, you just want to avoid it in the future.  Even if you do it again, you will only do it reluctantly.
People who do everything as a choice are always fulfilled in life and 
hence they thirst for more and more of life.  
People who do everything as a compulsion are tired of living and 
hence they even go to the extent of desiring to be relieved from this life.
People have become reluctant even to take care of their daily chores… 
In how many homes the morning is filled will persuasion to take bath?  
People have become reluctant to cook…  Haven’t precooked foods, fast foods, frozen foods and ready made foods invaded every kitchen?  
People are becoming reluctant to sit and enjoy their eating…  Isn’t skipping of breakfast and not finding time to have lunch becoming so common?  
People are in such road rage during their commuting…  Aren’t the choicest of vocabulary reserved for the road?  
Adults are becoming more reluctant to go to their work than their children to their school…  
How else do you explain the increase in the number of heart attacks on Monday mornings and the crowds of late goers to office?
If everything essential about life is seen as a compulsion, if everything is pursued as a struggle and if everything is completed with a sigh of relief… how can we improve the quality of our life?
Please!  Let us add celebration to everything that we do.  
Let us shift from the attitude of “I must do.  I should do.” to “I WANT to do.” 
 Let every action of ours start as a choice; 
be filled with enjoyment and end with fulfilment.  
If we have to anyhow do, might as well, let us enjoy what we do.
The disciple asked, “Master, now that you are enlightened, what do you do?”  The Master replied, “I draw water from the well and chop woods.”  The disciple further enquired, “Before you got enlightened, what you used to do?”  The Master replied, “I used to draw water from the well and chop woods.”  The puzzled disciple questioned, “There seem to be no difference in your actions, then and now!!!”  The Master said,
“Oh, there is no difference in my actions but the quality with which I do my actions have changed.”
Remember, there is no way to 


Happiness is the way.

Frozen Thoughts - Feb 2012 - Voice of Ra

Frozen Thoughts - Feb 2012 - Voice of Ra

A bunch of plastic flowers lived inside , a flower vase, obviously sheltered and protected from the winds, the rains and even the sun's rays. One day a bouquet of rose flowers was placed next to them. The presence and the fragrance of those gorgeous roses made one ofthe plastic flowers feel ashamed of its existence, So it prayed to God, "I do not want to live as a faceless flower; please turn me into a rose."

God replied, "Why do you want to get into unnecessary trouble? The life of a rose is very arduous. Someone will always pluck it. The sun will burn the petals. It has a very limited lifespan, You are living a well-protected life. Do not forsake it."
The plastic flower insisted, "I have long lived a sheltered life. Now, I want to feel real. I want to feel the life of LIFE. I want to fight death. Please transform me into a rose."
God finally yielded and it became a rose. Almost immediately its saga of trials and tribulations began.
A young boy plucked a few of its petals. The midday sun followed and it burned the remaining petals. As the day progressed it was feeling dehydrated and was beginning to dry down.
The other plastic flowers gathered around the rose and said, "We knew this would happen. Don't you see how secure you were in your old life? Granted, even as plastic flowers we had our problems but they were old and familiar problems. We were used to them. Do you see what a mess you have made of your life?"
To this the rose replied, "You are all fools, it is far better to live as a rose, even if it is for just twenty-four hours than to live in lifelong security as mere plastic flowers. It was great to breathe, to feel the warmth of the sun and to be in communion with life. I might wither away in twenty-four hours, but before I die I would have emitted fragrance. I have achieved my soul's fulfilment. I lived fully and I am going to die fully. As far as you are concerned you live a life of living death.
To have been a flower and not to have known fragrance at all.., is not to have lived at all. I am real."

Life itself isn't secure. Then, where is the question of security within life? 
Then why choose to be a plastic flower? Why not be the real rose?
In searching for security, we resist change, and in resisting change we stagnate. We build our own comfort zones and become prisoners in our own comfort zones.
That which does not change, does not grow, And, that which does not grow, dies.
 And growth is your willingness to give up who you are, in order to become, what you can be.
A seed is very well protected as long as it remains a seed. There is security in remaining a seed whereas a plant is always vulnerable. To sprout into a plant makes the seed susceptible; but then, what else is the purpose of the seed? It contains a thousand forests within itself and it is only when the seed transforms into a plant that those possibilities are opened. If the seed resists change and remains a kernel, it is no better than a pebble on the beach.
The most important quality of great people is in their willingness to change. It is in the willingness to give up the life of a caterpillar that it becomes a butterfly. That which does not change does not grow. That which does not grow, dies. Grow, we must.
So, change, we must. Growth and the willingness to change are inseparable. If change is the way to growth, and growth is the way to greatness, then why is change always resisted?
Let us take an example. See, when you were a just-born you were comfortable because you were completely dependent on your environment. To learn to crawl was an uncomfortable transition because you would have bruised your knees so many times, But this transition to learn to crawl was a needed one for you to grow. Once you learnt to crawl you were completely comfortable once again. Now learning to walk was another uncomfortable transition because you would have fallen down and hurt yourself so many times. But again this transition to learn to walk was a needed one for you to grow. Once you learnt to walk you were completely comfortable once again. So it was from blabbering to talking to communicating, So it was from scribbling to writing to drawing. So it was from school to college to work. Comfort zone - uncomfortable transition - again a new comfort zone - another uncomfortable transition - another new comfort zone - and one more uncomfortable transition - This is the cycle of growth.
Grow, we must. So, change, we must. So, we cannot avoid uncomfortable transitions. Change is the willingness to give up an existing comfort zone and the willingness to take up an uncomfortable transition. Giving up an existing comfort zone is never easy. Uncomfortable transitions are never easy. But grow, we must. So, change, we must. So we cannot avoid uncomfortable transitions.

The cycle of change is such that before change you are comfortable, after change you will again be comfortable; but the transition is never comfortable, However, the comfort you experience after change is always of a higher degree than the comfort you experienced before change.
So, legends permanently keep their life in transition, for that's the only way to grow up. The alternative is mere stagnation.
To sweep issues in a relationship under the carpet is comfortable; to talk and resolve the issue is never comfortable, but once the issue is sorted out, that's where the higher comfort is.
To sleep those extra hours is comfortable; to get up and exercise is never comfortable, but once the body is fit after adhering to theexercise routines, that's where the higher comfort is.
To smoke is comfortable; to give up that craving for nicotine is never comfortable, but once you have transcended the desire for nicotine, that's where the higher comfort is.
So people who made it to the top in life had the vision to see the higher realities of life at the end of those uncomfortable transitions.
The willingness of a woman to go through the transition of labour gives birth to a new life. Similarly, your willingness to go throughthe transition of change will give you a new life.
On the bottom of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They did notice that every once in a while one from their colony clinging tothe stem of a pond lily and gradually moving out of sight and was seen no more.
They wondered, "Why would anybody give up this comfortable life, great friends, and move up in search of a new life?" One more found himself climbing up the lily stalk, and before he knew what was happening, he had broken through the surface of the water and fallen onto the broad, green lily pad above. When he awoke, a startling change
had come to his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail. He moved his wings and found himself up above thewater. He had become a dragonfly!! Swooping and dipping in great curves, flying through the air, experiencing the freedom of space, he truly felt on 'Top of the World'. Now, if this water bug hadn't given up the comfort of remaining a water bug, it would have never become a dragonfly.
This is where all great people stood out from the rest. They were willing to change and grow. They never sought comfort zones. They never thought what is 'Easy' for me. They always thought what is 'Good' for me.
So, don't settle. Keep changing. Don't settle. Keep growing. Don't look at the transition. Look at the possibilities beyond the transition. People do not dare to give up their certainty for uncertainty. They are afraid to push ahead. It is not that they cannot. Just that they don't.
They wait and wait, hoping that some mysterious power may liberate them. These people finally die still waiting. It is astonishing as to how the world makes way for a resolute soul and how obstacles get out of the path of a determined man, who believes in the power of change and growth.
Transcendence is like taking the lantern in the hand knowing that you will always have light, just enough for your next step, no matter how dark, for the light will move along with you. Take one step, then take another step and then another.., till your reach the top 
Design your Destiny
If you keep doing the same stuff, you will keep getting the same results. If you have to achieve what you haven't achieved before, then you must be willing to do what you have never done before. That simply means, you must change.
Mahatma Gandhi said, "Become the change you wish to see."
You first have to "Become the change you wish to be," much before you 
"Become the change you wish to see."

Give up who you are, and become what you can be. Sometimes, you need to give up, in order to go up.
Wishing you Most and more...

- Voice of Ra...

Frozen Thoughts - Feb 2012 - Voice of Ra.....