Friday, October 31, 2014

infinitheism newsletter #6

Greetings from infinitheism.
This is spring time. This is celebration time. The much awaited announcement of the spiritual retreat ‘Higher, Deeper and Beyond’ was made by Mahatria in the last infinipath. Many believe that this rings in miraculous times.

Six batches of holistic developmental course – ‘infinialpha’ is transforming lives in Chennai and Bengaluru.

Kuala Lampur will be experiencing Mahatria this month end; New York and New Jersey early next month.

For details read on...

Wishing you Most and more…
Team infinitheism


Q How does it feel to be deeply connected to God? What happens to our life? What happens to us?

A A group of politicians and their followers had barged into my office one day. They wanted funds for elections. I politely explained to them that we do a lot of good to the world directly, and we wish to use our funds for such purposes and not for any political reasons. Some of the followers reacted in extremely disrespectful tones. I looked straight in the eye of the political leader, who had led the crowd into my office, and asked him, “If I tell you, I personally know the Chief Minister of the state, will you still behave the same way?” A little startled and with a quiver in the voice, he asked in return, “Do you know the Chief Minister?” I replied, “If knowing the Chief Minister of the state makes one so powerful, how powerful must I feel, for I know God personally?” You cannot control a man who knows no fear. They saw fearlessness in my eyes and quietly left. That’s how you feel when you are deeply connected to God. You feel when God can be with us, who can be against us. You feel God is your shield.

My mother had suffered cerebral haemorrhage, which triggered a heart attack. At the age of 69, after undergoing a massive surgery and then three weeks in CCU and ICU, she was critical. Around the same time, I had my spiritual retreats of infinitheism and over a hundred people had converged from all over the world for the retreat. During the retreat, everyone is cut off from the world outside, and no form of communication is allowed with the world or from the world under any circumstances. Krishna tells Arjuna, “Do not bring in your personal emotions on the way of executing your duties and responsibilities.” My predicament was the same. Either stay back as the son of my mother or go to the retreat as the teacher of hundred. For me, both were my personal emotions and both were my duties. If out there I take people closer to God through various spiritual practices, I had this unquestioned faith in the heart of my hearts, that God will represent me out here and take care of my mother. I went ahead with the retreat. Faith always unfolds miracles. On the same day I returned from the retreat, my mother got discharged and she returned home. The more and more I do God’s work, I have personally seen, the more and more God does my work. That’s how you feel when you are deeply connected to God. You feel God is in your team.

Staying close to fire keeps you warm. Walking through fresh breeze, you feel refreshed. Being in running water you feel clean. Stay long enough in a rose garden and you start smelling like a rose. You inherit the traits of what you are connected to. Similarly, when you are deeply connected to God, you feel purified. In your thoughts, in your feelings and in your consciousness, you feel so pure. The drop of water falls into the ocean and becomes the ocean. You dissolve and you evolve. You disappear and God appears.

In all, by being deeply connected to God, experience after experience, you experience the higher, deeper and the beyond dimensions of life.

Weekly growth sessions with Mahatria discussing life, webcast live every Sunday between 6:45am to 9:15am IST @
Recorded version also available for a duration of one week.

A few scoops from last infinipath: 15th Sept 2013
Pay attention to the thought that is lingering in you repeatedly; the one that repeatedly visits you is not a passing thought, it is an idea. You are never given an idea without the power to achieve it. Nothing is more powerful than the idea whose time has come. Give life to the idea by executing it.

Those who have received abundantly in their life focus on the little they have not got; those who have got nothing in their life, celebrate the little they have received with so much of gratitude.

Differentiate yourself from the competition by creating an organizational culture. Business is all about the ‘Share of the wallet’. The corrections needed to get the business right are outside the business, rarely inside.

Man calls it life; God calls it Leela (Game). As long as we see it as life, it will be a series of burdens and responsibilities. See this as a Leela and there will be series of celebrations.

Higher in maturity, Deeper in spirituality, Beyond in materialistic realm - HDB

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