Tuesday, October 14, 2014

My next will be 'HUMONGOUS' - Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012 - Sushil Mehta

Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012 - Article by Sushil Mehta

My next will be 'HUMONGOUS'
All the motivation and inspiration that I need can be extracted from this single word
and it will keep pushing me towards the most and more.
- Sushil Mehta 
For me, it was a dream come true. After the product launch and the press meet was over, I took a short break. My showroom was being hailed as a landmark in the city. As I was basking in the glory of success, I became nostalgic. How I had begun - from where to where! As I felt grateful to my parents and my god, I could hear my beloved The Voice Ra, who has always been a source of guidance, inspiration and motivation, asking me 'from where to where is alright; but, from here, where?'
I instantly got up and got to work. The question, 'from here, where?' kept lingering. Out of the many phrases that have come out from my beloved The Voice Ra, I always cherish this one: "Positives attract Positives and Negatives attract Negatives." From the moment I imbibed this simple yet deep saying, I started focusing on thinking and reading only positive and growth-oriented magazines. It's been a long time since I have laid my hands on any film magazine, or sat in front of the idiot box for entertainment and relaxation. As a result, I have been attracting a lot of positive and motivational messages, inspirational stories and mails.
While all such mails and messages impact me deeply and charge me up, one such mail from my friend, Kishore, made me ponder deeper and beyond. The mail titled 'My next will be my best' was the story of a renowned Painter, which goes like this... 
A renowned painter once held an exhibition of his exquisite works that he had created over the years. A reporter who was interviewing him asked him,
"Which one do you consider your best painting?" The painter replied,
"The next one that I will paint."
I liked the painter's reply so much that it kept lingering in my mind. Wow, what a motivational line - "My next will be my best." 

Simultaneously one part of my intelligence asked, "Does that mean that what I've accomplishes till now is not the best?" Another part of me said that it is indeed the best. Then how can I say that my next will be my best. My intellect then sais "Well, in that case, it should be, 'My next would be even better"." 

This thought propels me to look forward and beyond. It pushes me to leap higher. It inspires me to give my very best and a little more. It guarantees that life can only keep getting better and better each day. It reveals that each day I have to compete with myself, more than anyone else. I may have been an outstanding person till date yet the best part of my work may come in the future.
Life is constantly changing. Our schedules get changed, family responsibilities take priority and the days go on. Those who keep moving forward and don't give up are the ones who are regardad as successful. In short, life is a journey and not a destination. 
I may be a wonderful parent, and yet I could be even better tomorrow. A good child to the parent can become a better child with each passing day. Every individual, in every role, can better himself even if he is the best. 

Spontaneously a word that my guru had used when he unfolded the new path - "INFINITHEISM" flashed in my mind. The word is 'Humongous'
Wow! I got an answer for the question!
I do not know where life is going to take me. Yet, I know that all the motivation and inspiration that I need can be extracted from this single word, and it will keep pushing me towards most and more. Oh, the mere thought brings to mind 'Huge' and 'Abundance'.
Instantly, I uttered - "My next will be HUMONGOUS.
Frozen Thoughts - Jan 2012 - Sushil Mehta

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